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Submission to DAE Game Projects 2021
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Devlog 10: The finish line
May 14, 2021
The finish line The game jam has reached it's end, it's been a fun experience and Cubed is ready to venture into the world! The last week has been all about playtesting, feedback and trying to find po...
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Devlog 9: Polish sprint week 7
May 06, 2021
Regis Goossens
Polish polish polish! The jam is almost over, no more features, only polish! Artists Optimisation One of the main tasks for the first polish week was a second look at the materials and textures for th...
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Devlog 8: Production sprint week 6
April 29, 2021
Debbaut Jamel
Final week of production WOOT WOOT! Artist Blocks We made extra the textures for the Standard, Metal, Death, Climb and Comfort block to fit the winter biome style, we wanted to do this for sa while to...
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Devlog 7: Production sprint week 5
April 22, 2021
It’s been a while! But we’re back ;) Artists Biomes One and a half weeks back we were still bent on making a nighttime biome, so our artists worked on some concept art for it. Realising in hindsig...
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Devlog 6: Production sprint week 4
April 01, 2021
Debbaut Jamel
Welcome back! This week concludes the first week of our second production sprint! Have a look at the following updates. Artists This week we started on making the model and texture for the shark. Like...
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Devlog 5: Production sprint week 3
March 25, 2021
Regis Goossens
Hello again! The first production sprint has officially ended. Have a look at what’s been in the making. Artists Water Block We’ve updated and refined the texture and material for the water block...
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Devlog 4: Production sprint week 2
March 18, 2021
Hello everyone! Welcome to our new update on our game project for this week. Artists: Exciting news! We’ve finished up our character, so now we have textured / rigged character running around We als...
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Devlog 3: Start production sprint 1
March 11, 2021
Hello! Welcome to our third devlog! This time we have officially started on our production! We came together, decided on all the tasks we could come up with, set up our first sprint and went to work!...
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Devlog 2: Finished prototype
March 04, 2021
This week was all about finishing our art bible, game design and initial prototype Art For the art, we worked on finishing up the Art Bible 100%. There were quite some issues along the way, textboxes...
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Devlog 1: Research
February 24, 2021
Regis Goossens
Introduction Hello visitor and welcome to our game project for the course Group Projects at DAE Howest. Our group exists out of two coders, Pauline and Ortwin and three artists Jamel, Dennis and Régi...
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